
Sharkfins Lyrics

She eats salmon 'cos the ads say
It make you glow for within
And he takes holydays on small planes
It's modern medecine
Sharkfin is believed to have mystical powers
But all these delicacies deceive us, we are innocent
We don't know, we don't know
I am chemicals and poison so death is not to be feared
I spend days and months in noise
And Hope that someone will hear
Why is it so important to make more of us?
Cant's she hear, it's getting near, the rumble of an avalanche
She don't know, she don't know
It won't be like the c**ts say, more like a gradual decline
We'll be well and truly out of harm's way before the rivers run dry
So shake all of my tears out, let no attention remain
And I'll be blissfully naive and I'll be innocent
I won't know, I won't know
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Reincarnation (2011)
Amsterdam 1740 Commitment To The Company Pollen On The Dust Sabio Sirens Bergamot & Cinnamon Exhibit A Monte Albán Sharkfins Fishing For Spears 1 Light Years 2 Jasper Paper Birds