Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
Met her in the springtime
she stayed all summer long
now autumn winds are blowin'
and I'm askin' what went wrong
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
Gave her all my lovin'
bought her jewelers too
she left me sick and tired
and I don't know what to do
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
Been told she's headin' south
followin' the sun
hope she finds a place
to hide and make me run
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
I gave her all my lovin'
Bought her a Rolex, too
she left me sick and tired
and I don't know what to do
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
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© 2000-2006 | Impressum | Nutzungsbedingungen | Songtexte
Partner: Gehaltsvergleich | Autogrammkarten
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
Met her in the springtime
she stayed all summer long
now autumn winds are blowin'
and I'm askin' what went wrong
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
Gave her all my lovin'
bought her jewelers too
she left me sick and tired
and I don't know what to do
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
Been told she's headin' south
followin' the sun
hope she finds a place
to hide and make me run
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
I gave her all my lovin'
Bought her a Rolex, too
she left me sick and tired
and I don't know what to do
Cold Rain
Rollin down my eyes
Ice cold rain
coolin' down the tears I cried
[zu Favoriten] [Songtext ausdrucken] [Songtext verschicken] [Songtext korrigieren] legt großen Wert auf Qualität. Darum möchten wir dich bitten uns zu sagen, ob dieser Songtext wirkich fehlerfrei ist. Mach bitte nur Angaben, wenn du dir wirklich sicher bist.
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Binde einfach den folgenden Code auf deiner Homepage ein, und der Songtext Cold Rain von Blues Company ist auch auf deiner Webseite!
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NEU: Songtexte von Blues Company im XML Feed
Kommentare zum Songtext: "Cold Rain"
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© 2000-2006 | Impressum | Nutzungsbedingungen | Songtexte
Partner: Gehaltsvergleich | Autogrammkarten