Discoveries hidden
Cures despised
Avoided death
Madness accepts
Marvels of the science
Played in the fire
Accept or burn
Evolution is a curse
Seven days
For the creation
How many days
For the destruction?
Priests of the devil
Lovers of the children
Abusing of the innocence
And of the power
"...Sells a place in the paradise..."
"...I forgive your sins, for the gold..."
Death and innocent cry
Screams in the church
Cures despised
Avoided death
Madness accepts
Marvels of the science
Played in the fire
Accept or burn
Evolution is a curse
Seven days
For the creation
How many days
For the destruction?
Priests of the devil
Lovers of the children
Abusing of the innocence
And of the power
"...Sells a place in the paradise..."
"...I forgive your sins, for the gold..."
Death and innocent cry
Screams in the church