
TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown Lyrics

A little spark in the band room Started slowly while they played No one noticed, it was too late The venue now becomes a grave I stand and watch the people crying Licking flames they kiss the sky The scene is swallowed in a cloud of dirty smoke All those emo have died Fire engulfs the back packs Singes fringes and burns tattoos No one noticed it was too late The venue now becomes a grave I stand and watch the people crying Licking flames they kiss the sky The scene is swallowed in clouds of dirty smoke All those emo kids have died I stand and watch the people crying Licking flames they kiss the sky The scene is swallowed in clouds of dirty smoke Box of matches at my side
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Lyden nå (2007)
TendonsSlicedForTransport TheRichBreedFuckingCockheadChildrenWhoWillOneDayBeYourEmployer TheWorldAndEveryoneInItDeservesToDie RecreationalKilling BetterStartASeedBank ChildLabourEconomics BarrelChockFullOfDeadCops CzechItOutIGotSomeRules LustMord OhMyMyRahindley E55 RapedWithATyreIron ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad OrgansForAProfit StrungUpWithCockInHand BalladOfHenryAndotis SlowAndLongina Intro ThreeOhSevenOhh p***Stomper TheKidsCanGetFucked RockNRollJihad BrokeAssBitch MyspaceYourFace AngryDragon ILoveThePills DusterDuster TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown