
Spefeven Lyrics

This song is to a count of seven
That's the way the lyrics fit what rhymes?
Oh it's heaven
Writing lyrics is boring I'm gonna say eleven
I'm running out of s*** to rhyme make up a word spefeven
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Cunt (2001)
Wearethewordpolice Bigfatarse Anotherslackarsedaussieband p***storestiffi Pissingcontest Ijustfinishedsuckingoffmetalheadsinthemensurinals Hoochiemumma Iloveitwhenjoepesciswears Stocktakin' Letsallfuck Atracksuitisnotappropriatemetalapparel Thecorpsesong f***yousceneboy Iskillingclonesillegal Don'tcallmehomeboyya'cunt Spefeven Theobjectistoshiftsomeunits Sweetmeat Dis-organ-ized