
All the Way Lyrics

I've got plans for today
The plan is going all the way
I've got nothing to pay
But I plan on going all the way
I've got plans for the game
The plan is get you going all the way
Cause I've got something to say
I plan on going all the way
I've got new plans and I'm a c**prit
Keep the secret semi-piercing through the membrane
Break the mirror through the window
Drop the needle, stepping higher every minute
Got no reason to surrender
Put ideas in this splendour
Grab a armor, make it tender
You're the protector, you're the defender

I've got plans for today
The plan is going all the way
I've got nothing to pay
But I plan on going all the way
It's on my time of pray
I pray for going all the way
I've got something to say
I'm gonna get you all the way
Unite your brothers, unite your tribes
Unite yourselves, yeah just tonight
Unite the sun, unite the child
Unite in one, unite and fly
Unite the sound, unite the light
Unite in truth, unite and fight
Unite your world, unite tonight
Unite yourselves, yeah just tonight

I've got something to say
I plan on going all the way
Yes, I've got something to pray for
I pray for going all the way
See, I've got plans for today
The plan is get you going all the way
I've got something to say
I'm gonna get you all the way
Unite your brothers, unite your tribes
Unite yourselves, yeah just tonight
Unite the sun, unite the child
Unite in one, unite and fly
Unite the sound, unite the light
Unite in truth, unite and fight
Unite your world, unite tonight
Unite yourselves, yeah just tonight

I'm gonna get you all the way
Cause I've got plans for today
I plan on going all the way
It's on my time of pray
I pray for going all the way
Yes I've got something to say
I'm gonna get you all the way
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Sound In Light (2007)
Battle of Tribes (feat. k**pania Algazarra) Total Rebellion All the Way Sound in Light Sunshine (feat. Dani Macaco, Rão Kyao) URU (Strange Faces) (feat. Kumpania Algazarra) Mystical Power You Never Gave Me Nothing We (feat. António Chainho) Suddenly N'Dezdai Ddu Stae (feat. Nidi D'Arac) Unarmed Rebellion (feat. Gaia Beat) Zimodê Sfi Nassam New a**ault