
Intro / Necrosadist Lyrics

Baphomet leads unholy l*** In darkness
I only f*** Through eternal
searching for the true corpse of my l***
Black Mass and fornications near the searing lake of fire
Unholy might doth bring Blasphemous Alterations
Dance of the Dead, with sabbatic goats
Needled death of suicide, blessed by the gods
v*****l Lacerations, an orgy with the dead
Awaked by the dawn, I put back the dead
Sodomy of the dead will reign
Smearing of impurified blood
Screams and eternal tortures calling from the grave
My eternal Misery must be fed
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Gods of War (1993)
Intro: Elders of the Apocalypse / Blood Upon the Altar Blasphemous Attack Gods of War Intro / Atomic Nuclear Desolation Nocturnal Slayer Emperor of the Black Abyss Intro / Blasphemy Intro / Necrosadist War Command Empty Chalice Ross Bay (intro) War Command Demoniac Intro Weltering in Blood Ritual Nocturnal Slayer Blasphemy Intro / Blasphemous Attack / Guitar Effect (outro)