
Sweet Surrender Lyrics

(you) play the game of life
Till you go undone
But it feels vain again
(you) gamble with your life
Till it's undone
But it feels vain again

Do never plead, she would let you beg
Do never shriek, she would never hear
Do never keep, she will have you share
Do never weep, she would never care

No light, no air to live in
You nestle into your own hell
No time, no s***e to live in
You fondle every ache
(you) play the game of life
Till you go undone
But it feels vain again

(you) gamble with your life
Till it's undone
But it feels vain again

How come it feels like there's somebody else inside
How come it feels like there's somebody else
For i can feel it
Glows below
All i need now is to feel it

Some light, some air to live in
Why nestling into your own hell?
Some time, some s***e to live in
And caressing every ache?
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Intuispection (2005)
Sweet Surrender Binary Me Tribute to Mrs Keystone A Dose of Life Lumina Into the Maze Ethereal Drift Chrysalis A-Mazing Grace, Part 1 A-Mazing Grace, Part 2 Patterns Them Changes