
The Important Part of Fishing Lyrics

The important part of fishin' ain't the fish but the fishin'
The important part of lovin' is the love
The important part of doin' most anything you're doin'
Is doin' it with all of your heart
If the fish don't b*** you still got the water
And the trees and the sky above
And if your lover's not with you don't be sad that you miss her
Be glad you miss someone so much...Chorus


Verse 2
If the fish don't b***
You get some time for thinkin'
And your lover's who you're thinking about
And if your lover's not with you
You get some time for fishin'
It's amazing how it all works out ...


Verse 3
If the fish don't b***
It really doesn't matter
They're just bigger the next time you go
And if your lover's not with you
Just make it so much sweeter
When she finally do come home ...

Do it now with all of your heart
Do it now with all of your heart
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Fishing Music (2003)
The Important Part of Fishing Fly Fishing I'm Gonna Go Fishin' Upstream Ocean of Dreams Deep River Blues Madison Brown The Fishin' Hole Lazy River Fish Ain't Bitin' Fisherman's Reel Fishing Blues Banks of the Moorlough Shore The Wicker Creel Reflections Off the Water Upstream (reprise)
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