
Belinda Lyrics

Every night around this time he has to sing 'Belinda'
"Belinda I love you/ Don't Leave me/ I need you"
He tried to stop, a while back, but what is he, without her?
A one-hit wonder with no hits is what he is.
And anyway he always hears how much it means to people
There's a lot of fortysomethings wouldn't be in the world without it
So now he has to do it with this lyric in his head

Belinda I loved you
And I'm sorry
I left you
I met somebody younger on a plane
She had big b******
And a nice smile
No kids, either,
She gave me extra complimentary champagne
No one ever wants to hear the song he wrote for Cindy
"Cindy I love you/Ineed you/Don't leave me"
And he can't blame them - they can tell his heart was never in it
And Cindy never liked it, but she never much liked him

Belinda I loved you
And I'm sorry
I left you
I met somebody younger on a plane
She had big b******
And a nice smile
No kids, either,
She gave me extra complimentary champagne
So every night about this time he feels the old self-loathing
While the old folks in the audience sing along
And he smiles and waves the mike at them so they can do the chorus
He's not there
He's somewhere else
He's with Belinda in he days before he made it all go wrong

Belinda I love you
Don't leave me
I need you
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