
Tonight Lyrics

A wreath of powder, a wraith of smoke
Topaz, beryl and pearl
Like the voices downstairs back home
A dull thick swirl
If I don't want to go tonight
If I pulled the curtain and dim the lights
If I turned the TV down low
Do I have to go?
A wreath of powder, a wraith of bone
Slowed skin and hair
A pile of shadows and broken glass
A shimmer borne on the air

If I don't want to go tonight
If I pulled the curtain and dim the lights
If I turned the TV down low
Do I have to go?
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Edible Darling (2003)
Mary Ann Tonight Broken Hearted Smile End of the Day Mercy Instrumental # 3 Keep Me Around Edible Darling Bloomed Sight of Your Tears Wake Jesus on My Knees
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