
How It Feels to Be Defeated Lyrics

Dark spots that have broken down
An annual Calvary clover

On this day
I can finally say
I am defeated
I watch the clouds disintegrate
In front of me, everyday
I tell them not to go so soon
And I need you
And I know
You need me too
God, I hope do
It's too late
Too late to turn back
But my stomach tells me
Something else is waiting
Where the forests don't seem to hide
I know its complicating
Its something that you get with time
And I'll never see you again
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Midwest Modesty (2015)
It's Dark Inside With You The Positive and the Negative of Being Alone We Won't Make the Same Mistake Again (feat. Hotel Books) How It Feels to Be Defeated Anything's Possible in New Jersey Midwest Modesty A Home With No Ceilings We Destroyed All the Evidence Noise Adam Was a Cool Dude