Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Your trial is behind you
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
May all the torched ones
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Your burben is relieved you
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Just lay down and close your eye's
Just think about the light
At the end of that dark dark tunnel
Ain't it bright ain't it nice
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
May all the torched ones
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Your trial is behind you
Rest in peace
Your trial is behind you
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Your trial is behind you
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
May all the torched ones
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Your burben is relieved you
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Just lay down and close your eye's
Just think about the light
At the end of that dark dark tunnel
Ain't it bright ain't it nice
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
May all the torched ones
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Your trial is behind you
Rest in peace
Your trial is behind you
Rest in peace