Lascia lente le briglie del tuo ippogrifo, o Astolfo,
e sfrena il tuo volo dove più ferve l'opera dell'uomo.
Però non ingannarmi con false immagini
ma lascia che io veda la verità
e possa poi toccare il giusto.
Da qui, messere, si domina la valle
ciò che si vede, è.
Ma se l'imago è scarna al vostro occhio
scendiamo a rimirarla da più in basso
e planeremo in un galoppo alato
entro il cratere ove gorgoglia il tempo.
[English translation:]
Let loose the harness of your hippogrif*,oh Astolfo**, and unleash your flight where man's
doing mostly brews;
"Do not deceive me with false images,
but let me see the truth,
thus touch what is righteous".
"From here, my lord, one dominates the valley.
What is seen, is.
But if thy image were too bare for your eye,
let us descend to gaze from below,
whilst we glide in a winged gallop
into the gurgling crater of time".
*The hyppogrif is a mythological creature half griffin half horse.The song is a reference to a poem by Ludovico Ariosto(XVth century), who in Italy of course is extremely well known, but I don't know if he is elsewhere.His masterpiece Orlando furioso was an inspiration to many other poets, writers and musicians, for instance, other than italians(like Boiardo and more recently Calvino), Virginia Woolf's Orlando(though not extensively).
**Astolfo is a character from Orlando Furioso, a paladin of Charlemagne.
With the Hippogriff has to seek Orlando's lost sanity.The song is not a clear reference to a specific part of the poem, but is a reference to the quest of finding Orlando's mind(for instance, they travel to the moon together)I should personally think the song is based upon they're being on the peak of Terrestrial Paradise at this point..
it's not crucial anyway for general understanding.
e sfrena il tuo volo dove più ferve l'opera dell'uomo.
Però non ingannarmi con false immagini
ma lascia che io veda la verità
e possa poi toccare il giusto.
Da qui, messere, si domina la valle
ciò che si vede, è.
Ma se l'imago è scarna al vostro occhio
scendiamo a rimirarla da più in basso
e planeremo in un galoppo alato
entro il cratere ove gorgoglia il tempo.
[English translation:]
Let loose the harness of your hippogrif*,oh Astolfo**, and unleash your flight where man's
doing mostly brews;
"Do not deceive me with false images,
but let me see the truth,
thus touch what is righteous".
"From here, my lord, one dominates the valley.
What is seen, is.
But if thy image were too bare for your eye,
let us descend to gaze from below,
whilst we glide in a winged gallop
into the gurgling crater of time".
*The hyppogrif is a mythological creature half griffin half horse.The song is a reference to a poem by Ludovico Ariosto(XVth century), who in Italy of course is extremely well known, but I don't know if he is elsewhere.His masterpiece Orlando furioso was an inspiration to many other poets, writers and musicians, for instance, other than italians(like Boiardo and more recently Calvino), Virginia Woolf's Orlando(though not extensively).
**Astolfo is a character from Orlando Furioso, a paladin of Charlemagne.
With the Hippogriff has to seek Orlando's lost sanity.The song is not a clear reference to a specific part of the poem, but is a reference to the quest of finding Orlando's mind(for instance, they travel to the moon together)I should personally think the song is based upon they're being on the peak of Terrestrial Paradise at this point..
it's not crucial anyway for general understanding.