Something Henry Miller said "always borrow, always lend, and never let your means affect what you want to do next". Well I agree and disagree, cause inactivity's the enemy and lack of funds can often seem like a henchman thereof. But I remember days with my pockets empty doing fine, and all the money that I earned since never seemed to be mine. Ah you'd better look away, there's nothing worse than a man with something to say. When I get paid it only chips away at the monument to modern living that is my debt. And I don't see myself surfacing any time soon, I'll just bide my time and wait for the banks to go under (sigh). I see my thoughts reflected on the chests of local lager louts: in big white letters "Darling, where's my bail out" I guess it's already been spent by the wealthy one percent. So for anybody who listens it's bad s*** to get into, but for the rest of us good luck getting out.