
Spirituphysics Lyrics

Bogadregin eldlína
Stjarna morguns blikar
Frelsun í eldi
Hold dauðann knýr
Andi bindur tómið
Myrkur, flæða sorgir
Sjálfinu skal eyða
Sálina skal vega
Inspired by the light
From where the life current extinguishes
In the form of a waterfall
Cascading questions and riddles
In between the two worlds
Lies the burning rope
Ignited by a rising storm
That disintegrates the future
Spirit and object
Black formed of white
Decadence of form
And the order in which all lies to
Hear the roar of your senses
Spirit clashing against them
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Gateways (2012)
Apeiron Skywatchers A Portal Hold bindur tómið Wisdoms Prayer Monasterium Spirituphysics
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