Here are the fools gathered in the grand temple of implausible sermons
Swallowing all laborious lies of their mentors like hungry lost sheeps (sic)
And spreading words like an orphan disease while smiling at each other
By invoking tho fortune of their fates and the mercy of their souls
All these models of disciples are born under the sign of mental void
Trephined at birth, they all have been willing to aspire to a spiritual life
Thus, mothered had to be a faith to try to reach the purest state of glowing
By worshiping false idols created by a horde of powerful thirsty crooks
Able to commit the worst sinister crimes and cowardest (sic) sins on this earth
Incestuous orgies and other foul pleasures of flesh on the sacred altar
Blood, dribble and s**** spilled in the names of the worshiped icons
Soiled limbs, destroyed lives carried out by a bunch of supposedly holy men
Innocences volées, destins d***és, aberrantes sanctifications de l'áme
Dénégation de la vie, anéantissement de l'étre, annihilation sociale
a**ervissement de l'espirit, dévotion absolue et renonciation au dualisme
Ne méneraient qu'à la destruction programmée de ces disciples du néant
Et un beau jour, l'heure de la dernière cérémonie sonna
Où le chand du coq retentit pour la toute dernière fois
La macabre procession s'érigea et les adepes suivirent
Main dans la main, deux par deux, tous abreuvés de béatitude
Munis de leur foi létale, ils chantérent à la mort de la raison
Signe effroyable d'un ultime hommage à la perfidie la plustotale
At the end of the walking, they celebrated their inescapable perdition
Gathered around a fire, they were devoted to the sadism of wicked
While declaiming all these prayers pointing at religious irrationality
Then sobbing burst and an unrelenting chaos became established
Men and women were all invited to join the promised world above
And the corpses of the followers jammed in to form a mass grave
Soaking all the earth with moral weakness and the quintessence of sins
And the funeral oration ended
And the doleful procession vanished
Swallowing all laborious lies of their mentors like hungry lost sheeps (sic)
And spreading words like an orphan disease while smiling at each other
By invoking tho fortune of their fates and the mercy of their souls
All these models of disciples are born under the sign of mental void
Trephined at birth, they all have been willing to aspire to a spiritual life
Thus, mothered had to be a faith to try to reach the purest state of glowing
By worshiping false idols created by a horde of powerful thirsty crooks
Able to commit the worst sinister crimes and cowardest (sic) sins on this earth
Incestuous orgies and other foul pleasures of flesh on the sacred altar
Blood, dribble and s**** spilled in the names of the worshiped icons
Soiled limbs, destroyed lives carried out by a bunch of supposedly holy men
Innocences volées, destins d***és, aberrantes sanctifications de l'áme
Dénégation de la vie, anéantissement de l'étre, annihilation sociale
a**ervissement de l'espirit, dévotion absolue et renonciation au dualisme
Ne méneraient qu'à la destruction programmée de ces disciples du néant
Et un beau jour, l'heure de la dernière cérémonie sonna
Où le chand du coq retentit pour la toute dernière fois
La macabre procession s'érigea et les adepes suivirent
Main dans la main, deux par deux, tous abreuvés de béatitude
Munis de leur foi létale, ils chantérent à la mort de la raison
Signe effroyable d'un ultime hommage à la perfidie la plustotale
At the end of the walking, they celebrated their inescapable perdition
Gathered around a fire, they were devoted to the sadism of wicked
While declaiming all these prayers pointing at religious irrationality
Then sobbing burst and an unrelenting chaos became established
Men and women were all invited to join the promised world above
And the corpses of the followers jammed in to form a mass grave
Soaking all the earth with moral weakness and the quintessence of sins
And the funeral oration ended
And the doleful procession vanished