Principesse di Tracia
Come dee di luce
Comme dee di mare
Soavi intrecciano sui prati
Steli di magie ed aneti
Tra essenze leggere e scie velate
Vagan su vette e su laghi dorati
Come dee di mare
Danzano sui prati
In incanto di figure lievi
Tra i volti e le voci si perdon la sera
Tra piogge d'incensi e cieli iridescenti
E si tingono i capelli bruni
Con rosso di conchiglia e aromi
Princesses of Thrace,
as Goddesses of light
as Goddesses of the sea
Sweet, on the meadows,
they intertwine
stems of enchantments and dills
Amidst soft essences and veiled steams,
they wander on the summit of the mountains
and along golden lakes.
as sea Goddesses,
they dance on the meadows
in a spell of light shapes.
Through voices and faces
they fade away in the evening,
under rains of incense and iridescent skies.
They dye their dark hair red of shell,
amidst soft essences and veiled steams,
they wander on the summit of the mountains
and along golden lakes.
Francesca Nicoli
Come dee di luce
Comme dee di mare
Soavi intrecciano sui prati
Steli di magie ed aneti
Tra essenze leggere e scie velate
Vagan su vette e su laghi dorati
Come dee di mare
Danzano sui prati
In incanto di figure lievi
Tra i volti e le voci si perdon la sera
Tra piogge d'incensi e cieli iridescenti
E si tingono i capelli bruni
Con rosso di conchiglia e aromi
Princesses of Thrace,
as Goddesses of light
as Goddesses of the sea
Sweet, on the meadows,
they intertwine
stems of enchantments and dills
Amidst soft essences and veiled steams,
they wander on the summit of the mountains
and along golden lakes.
as sea Goddesses,
they dance on the meadows
in a spell of light shapes.
Through voices and faces
they fade away in the evening,
under rains of incense and iridescent skies.
They dye their dark hair red of shell,
amidst soft essences and veiled steams,
they wander on the summit of the mountains
and along golden lakes.
Francesca Nicoli