
Pretty Girl Cry Lyrics

it was so so clear
i had to break your heart
'cause i can't be here
and we were never good apart
right here
i'll kiss away your tears
hold you one last time
let's make the pretty girl cry
let's make the pretty girl cry

it's been adding up
now for quite a while
when i come around
i never see you smile
it's not your style
right here
i'll kiss away your tears
hold you one last time
let's make the pretty girl cry
let's make the pretty girl cry
in this restaurant
don't tell me what you want
let's make the pretty girl cry
let's make the pretty girl cry
now that it's over
now that it's over
i can sleep again

now that it's over
now that it's over
i can breathe again
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In the Woods (2007)
In the Woods Wildfire What Have We Got to Lose? I Hope We Die (At the Same Damn Time) You Left Your Mark We Start Again Pretty Girl Cry Song for the Waiting Still Heavy With To the Country