I am the Temple of Darkness,
Born from the Dawn of Light,
My Kingdom is made from My Sins,
Freed by the Blood in My Veins.
I am the Son of Belial,
Child of Doom and Perdition.
My Throat is Open Grave;
My Words are Blasphemy.
Venom of Asps in My Lips,
Challenge the Wrath of God.
I drink of the Wine of the Wrath,
I am the Sword of Vengeance.
I am swift to shed Your Blood,
Ruin and Misery bloom in My Path,
There is no Fear of God in My Eyes,
All Sheep have turned aside.
Born from the Dawn of Light,
My Kingdom is made from My Sins,
Freed by the Blood in My Veins.
I am the Son of Belial,
Child of Doom and Perdition.
My Throat is Open Grave;
My Words are Blasphemy.
Venom of Asps in My Lips,
Challenge the Wrath of God.
I drink of the Wine of the Wrath,
I am the Sword of Vengeance.
I am swift to shed Your Blood,
Ruin and Misery bloom in My Path,
There is no Fear of God in My Eyes,
All Sheep have turned aside.