
Dead Air Lyrics

i heard them through the bathroom tiles
huffing and puffing and sighing
they were making all the sounds of love
but maybe one of them was lying
the shock soon turns to laughter
the laughter into l***
i undid my belt and b***ons
to do what lonely boys must

if i ask you why we never touch
you shrug it off and say "who knows?"
but it fills our home with hatred
just toss a coin and we'll decide who goes
cos no-one should be lonely
inside such a tiny s***e
i wish i could wipe you out
your cryptic laugh
your hands in your new face
we used to make the same sounds too
but we used to be so much louder
a perfect duet for me and you
sung with feeling, so much prouder

but now all we sing between dead air
is "f*** you" and "who were you with today"
i don't think either of us care
it just gives us something else to say
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