
Diesel and Gunpowder Lyrics

Have you ever felt so alone
that you wanted to just start again?
And you were sure if you could disappear
then no one here would come to find you?
Have you ever felt worthless
because no matter how hard you tried
you could never live up to the standards
that were set
by people who could never understand you?
All they said
were words designed to manipulate you.
Have you ever been so afraid
that you might not have the strength
to hold on til the morning
to face another day with eyes
trained to see the ugly because they've only been shown pain?
I've spent so many nights hopeless, lifeless, walking lost,
looking to pick fights with diesel trains.
There has to be a better answer.
There has to be a better way than this.
I've spent so many nights
staring down the barrel of the most selfish decision
I ever could have made.
There has to be a better answer.
There has to be a better way than this.
When things are at their worst try hard to remember:
This struggle we must all endure is a test of strength;
a lesson in appreciation.
No one said this would be easy.
What good's a fight you're guaranteed to win?
Those bad days, those f****** evil days
define the days we live for.
I must remember that darkness is the canvas
where light will paint a dawn.
And when you die you don't come back.
There's no second chance.
When you die it's over.
There's no second chance.
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