UN PAS EN DEHORS : Que peut-on attendre d'une société qui renie ses fonctions en se complaisant dans une logique économique et sociale discriminante ? Aujourd'hui des milliers de personnes exclues, rejetées, isolées dans l'indifférence... Et nous qui fuyons leur regard, de peur de remettre en question notre position sociale garante d'un bonheur artificiel basé sur le pouvoir et l'argent... Demain, peut-être nous, qui à toujours renvoyer la faute aux dirigeants en oublions notre responsabilité. Un pas en dehors et nous ne sommes plus rien que le reflet de l'échec d'une démocratie qu'on préfère ignorer. A quoi bon se battre pour obtenir un statut social où le superflu devient essentiel quand d'autres n'ont même pas de quoi se nourrir ?! Personne n'a sa place dans une société aussi inadaptée où trop d'évolutions se font au détriment des interêts de l'individu...
One step ouside : What can we expect from a society that is denying its functions when accepting with complacency a discriminating social and economic's logic ? Today, millions of people excluded, rejected, isolated in indifference... and we fear to look into their eyes and question our social situation that is only a warrant for an artificial happiness based on power and money... Tomorrow, it may be us who always put the blame on our leaders and are therefore neglecting our own responsabilities. One step outside and we are no more than the reflection of the failure of a democracy that we prefer to ignore. Why fighting for a social recognition with superfluity as something essential when others don't even have something to eat ? No one has a place in such a maladjusted society where too many improvements are done at individual's interest cost.
One step ouside : What can we expect from a society that is denying its functions when accepting with complacency a discriminating social and economic's logic ? Today, millions of people excluded, rejected, isolated in indifference... and we fear to look into their eyes and question our social situation that is only a warrant for an artificial happiness based on power and money... Tomorrow, it may be us who always put the blame on our leaders and are therefore neglecting our own responsabilities. One step outside and we are no more than the reflection of the failure of a democracy that we prefer to ignore. Why fighting for a social recognition with superfluity as something essential when others don't even have something to eat ? No one has a place in such a maladjusted society where too many improvements are done at individual's interest cost.