RÔLE : Personne n'a le droit de juger de la façon d'aimer. Les sentiments n'appartiennent qu'à celui, qu'à celle qui les ressent et ne peuvent être codifiés ou réglementés selon des lois sociales ou des règles morales. Le droit d'aimer ne peut être en aucun cas remis en cause, même si la société le conteste en ne tolérant qu'un modèle amoureux qui limite ce sentiment et emprisonne l'individu en l'obligeant à conformer ses désirs. Le fait d'être né/e/ homme ou femme ne détermine en aucun cas l'orientation de nos sentiments, ni les rôles sociaux qu'on veut nous imposer. Le modèle hétérosexuel dans toutes ses restrictions oppresse les individus et son apparente irréfutabilité cache plus d'une souffrance. Le fait d'être né/e/ femme ou homme ne nous inscrit dans aucune logique, dans aucune évidence, dans aucun rôle préétablis.
Role : No one has the right to judge the loving ways. The feelings are just owned by those who feel them and can not be codified or regulated by social laws or moral rules. The right to love shan't be questioned, even if society contests it by just tolerating one love model that bounds this feeling and jails the individual by forcing him to conform his desires. To be born as a man or as a woman doesn't determine the orientation of our feelings, nor the social roles we are imposed to act. The heterosexual model with all its restrictions opress the individuals and its aparent irefutability hide more than one pain. To be born as a woman or as a man doesn't bound us in no logical, no obviousness, no preestablished role.
Role : No one has the right to judge the loving ways. The feelings are just owned by those who feel them and can not be codified or regulated by social laws or moral rules. The right to love shan't be questioned, even if society contests it by just tolerating one love model that bounds this feeling and jails the individual by forcing him to conform his desires. To be born as a man or as a woman doesn't determine the orientation of our feelings, nor the social roles we are imposed to act. The heterosexual model with all its restrictions opress the individuals and its aparent irefutability hide more than one pain. To be born as a woman or as a man doesn't bound us in no logical, no obviousness, no preestablished role.