LE PARAITRE : Le rejet d'un certain conformisme n'a aucun sens s'il ne signifie que l'acceptation d'un autre, imposé malgré l'illusion d'une liberté de choix où chacun adopte une identité de goût hypocrite. Comment avoir la prétention de parler de libération lorsqu'on donne autant d'importance à autant de superficialité qu'est le paraître ? Lorsque la liberté individuelle se limite au regard de l'autre, à l'influence qu'il exerce sur nos comportements... La liberté ne peut se réaliser dans l'uniformisation où chacun, pour exister, doit renoncer à ce qui en lui devient hors norme.
The appearance : The throwing up of one conformism doesn't have no sens if it just means the acceptance of another one, dictated in spite of a freedom of choice illusion when each one buys a hypocritical junk identity. How can you claim speaking about liberation while you attach so much importance to such superficiality that is appearance? When individual freedom is restricted to another's look, to the influence had on your behavior... Freedom can not be achieved in uniformisation when each one, to exist, must give up all inner non conformism.
The appearance : The throwing up of one conformism doesn't have no sens if it just means the acceptance of another one, dictated in spite of a freedom of choice illusion when each one buys a hypocritical junk identity. How can you claim speaking about liberation while you attach so much importance to such superficiality that is appearance? When individual freedom is restricted to another's look, to the influence had on your behavior... Freedom can not be achieved in uniformisation when each one, to exist, must give up all inner non conformism.