faint and airless, there is chatter in the dark. the smell of rot makes breathing pointless, all alone, cursed to die. home lies in ashes, we fled our doom for a better life, our luck keeps turning, western shores at the worst. fortress Europe, home of hate, a "better" future spat at our face. no longer human? no longer us? xenophobia just welcomed us. just raised the fence! kill that empathy! a constructed scapegoat is what you need. you declared superior origins, no matter how hard you tried, the memory stayed, you allowed us to die. a turn to the right, the mob screams for their rights, the pogrom is about to start, history repeats itself again. and you cheer. don't you think you're responsible for other peoples misery? your ethnic misconception, trapped in your humble world, small minded phrases, determine the status quo. just realize, not we are but you are the reason for this.