
God Know Will You To Love From True Lyrics

You and moonlight it all ...in me
For me, your heart it all ...for you?
I now this love song send to you
I think feeling to send to you
I that have from now on for you
When it is me, it is god know
It is near you more me ...for me
It is near me more you so forever
*You and the moonlight, it's all inside me
So am I, with your heart, also you?
I now send this love song to you;
I embrace these feelings I wish to convey,
That I have for you now and forever.
As I am, god knows whether
I am more of you or more of me, but I
Would rather have more of you, forever.

God know will you to love from true 半分の時間は
God know will you to love from true 重ねあう気持ちは
God know will you to love from true 真実はここに
God know will you to love from true 今も

God knows whether you will truly love me - This halved time,
God knows whether you will truly love me - These overlapped feelings,
God knows whether you will truly love me - The truth is in the here
God knows whether you will truly love me - and now.
月夜に変わる我が身を盾にし 貴方を守り続けてたい
募る思いを映して 満月の夜の恋歌を
なにもいらない変わりに 貴方の愛だけがほしいの
隠すこともできるけど 作るのは貴方のためだけ

In the moonlit night my body becomes a shield, because I want to keep protecting you.
To project these thoughts welling up inside me, I sing this love song of full moon's night.
I would say I don't need anything, but your love is what I need; it's all I want.
I can hide these things, but for your sake I create.

God know will you to love from true 半分の体
God know will you to love from true 真実の愛に
God know will you to love from true 存在してるわ
God know will you to love from true 今も

God knows whether you will truly love me - This halved body,
God knows whether you will truly love me - True love,
God knows whether you will truly love me - Exists
God knows whether you will truly love me - even now.

月夜に流れ響く恋歌を 貴方に届け続けたい
守りきるのであるなら 満月の夜の変貌も
変わる我が身を盾にし 貴方の愛だけがほしいの
変わるのは貴方のため 慕うのも貴方のためだけ

This love song flows, resounding in the moonlit night; I want it to continue to reach you.
If I can protect you, then in this transfiguration of full moon's night,
My body becomes a shield; Your love is what I need; it's all I want.
You are the reason I change, and it is for you that I yearn.
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Plastik World (2009)
God Know Will You To Love From True Plain Asia Wheel of Fortune Saigetsu Plastik World m9 Times Twilight Tea Room Outro Leading Phantasy Bad Apple!! (instrumental)