
The Heroic Weather-Conditions of the Universe, Part 1: A Veiled Mist Lyrics

DEUS. Noe, take thou thy meanye
114 and in the shippe hye that yee bee;
115 for non soe righteouse man to mee "
116 ys nowe one yearth livinge.
117 Of deane beastes with thee thoe take
118 vii and vii or then thou slake;
119 hee and shee, make to make,
120 bylyye in that thou bringe;
121 of beastes uncleane ii and ji,
122 male and female, bowt moo;
123 of deane fowles seaven alsoe,
124 the hee and shee together;
125 of fowles uncleane twayne and noe more,
126 as I of beastes sayde before.
127 That man be saved through my lore,
128 agaynst I sende this wedder,

129 of meates that mon be eaten,
130 into the shippe loke the be getten,
131 for that maye bee noe waye forgotten.
132 And doe this all bydeene
133 to sustayne man and beastes therm
134 aye tyll the water cease and blynne.
135 This worlde is filled full of sinne,
136 and that is nowe well seene.

137 Seaven dayes bynne yett cominge;
138 you shall have s***e them in to bringe.
139 After that, it is my likinge
140 mankynde for to anoye.
141 Fortye dayes and fortye nightes
142 rayne shall fall for there unrightes.
143 And that I have made through myghtes
144 nowe thinke I to distroye.

145 NOE. Lord, at your byddinge I am bayne.
146 Sythen noe other grace will gayne,
147 hyt will I fulfill fayne,
148 for gracyouse I thee fynde.
149 An hundreth winters and twentye
150 this shippe-makinge tarryed have I,
151 if throughe amendemente thy mercye
152 would fall to mankynde.
153 Have donne, yee men and weomen all;
154 bye you lest this water fall,
155 that eyche beaste were in stall
156 and into the shippe broughte.
157 Of cleane beastes seaven shalbe,
158 of uncleane two; thus God bade mee.
159 The flood is nigh, you may well see;
160 therfore tarrye you nought.

Then Noe shall goe into the arke with all his familye,
his wyffe excepte, and the arke muste bee borded rownde aboute.
And one the bordes all the beastes and fowles
hereafter reahemsed muste bee paynted,
that them wordcs may agree with the pictures.

161 SEM. Syr, here are lions, leopardes in;
162 horses, mares, oxen, and swynne,
163 geates, calves, sheepe, and kyne
164 here sytten thou may see.

165 CAM. Camelles, a****, man may fynde,
166 bucke and doe, harte and hynde.
167 All beastes of all manere of kynde
168 here bynne, as thinketh mee.
169 JAFETT. Take here cattes, dogges too,
170 otters and foxes, fullimartes alsoe;
171 hares hoppinge gayle can goe
172 here have colle for to eate.

173 NOES WIFE. And here are beares, wolves sett,
174 apes, owles, maremussett,
175 wesills, squerrells, and fyrrett;
176 here the eaten there meate.

177 SEMES WIFFE. Heare are beastes in this howse;
178 here cattes maken yt crowse;
179 here a rotten, here a mowse
180 that standen nere together.

181 CAMS WYFFE. And here are fowles lease and more-
182 hernes, cranes, and byttoer,
183 swanes, peacockes-and them before
184 meate for this wedder.

185 JAFETTES WYFFE. Here are c***es, kytes, crowes,
186 rookes, ravens, many rowes,
187 duckes, curlewes, whoever knowes,
188 eychone in his kynde.
189 And here are doves, digges, drakes,
190 redshankes monninge through lakes;
191 and eyche fowle that leadenn makes
192 in this shippe man may fynde.
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