
Sally free and easy Lyrics

Sally, free and easy,
That should be her name,
Sally, free and easy,
That should be her name,
Took a sailor's lovin',
For a nursery game.
Though the heart she gave me,
Was not made of stone,(2X)
It was sweet and hollow,
Like a honey comb,
Think I'll wait till sunset,
See the ensign down,(2X)
Then I'll take the tideway,
To my buryin' groun',

Sally, free and easy,
That should be her name,(2X)
When my body's landed,
Hope she dies of shame.
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Reflets (1970)
Reflets Suite des montagnes Marig ar pollanton Brocéliande Son ar chistr Sally Free and Easy Suite irlandaise Silvestrig Tenval an deiz Je suis né au milieu de la mer