Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go With Friday
On Saturday Night?
Music by GEO. W. MEYER
Published 1916 by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder
[Verse 1]
Thous-ands of years a-go or may-be more,
Out on an is-land on a lone-ly shore,
Rob-in-son Cru-soe land-ed one fine day,
No rent to pay, And no wife to o-bey;
His good man Fri-day was his on-ly friend,
He did-n't bor-row or lend;
They built a lit-tle hut, Lived there till Fri-day,
But Sat-ur-day night it was shut.
Where did Rob-in-son Cru-soe go,
with Fri-day on Sat-ur-day night?
Ev-'ry Sat-ur-day night they would start in to roam,
And on Sun-day morn-ing they'd come stag-ger-ing home.
On this is-land lived wild men in can-ni-bal trim-min';
And where there are wild men there must be wild wom-en,
So where did Rob-in-son Cru-soe go,
with Fri-day on Sat-ur-day night?
[Verse 2]
Rob-in-son Cru-soe was a good old scout,
Rob-in-son Cru-soe knew his way a-bout,
He'd go out hunt-ing chick-ens now and then,
But he knew when He was chas-ing a hen;
Once he told Fri-day "you must stay at home,
I've got to go out a-lone;"
Fri-day felt ve-ry blue, He said it's wrong of you,
Could-n't you fix it for two?
On Saturday Night?
Music by GEO. W. MEYER
Published 1916 by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder
[Verse 1]
Thous-ands of years a-go or may-be more,
Out on an is-land on a lone-ly shore,
Rob-in-son Cru-soe land-ed one fine day,
No rent to pay, And no wife to o-bey;
His good man Fri-day was his on-ly friend,
He did-n't bor-row or lend;
They built a lit-tle hut, Lived there till Fri-day,
But Sat-ur-day night it was shut.
Where did Rob-in-son Cru-soe go,
with Fri-day on Sat-ur-day night?
Ev-'ry Sat-ur-day night they would start in to roam,
And on Sun-day morn-ing they'd come stag-ger-ing home.
On this is-land lived wild men in can-ni-bal trim-min';
And where there are wild men there must be wild wom-en,
So where did Rob-in-son Cru-soe go,
with Fri-day on Sat-ur-day night?
[Verse 2]
Rob-in-son Cru-soe was a good old scout,
Rob-in-son Cru-soe knew his way a-bout,
He'd go out hunt-ing chick-ens now and then,
But he knew when He was chas-ing a hen;
Once he told Fri-day "you must stay at home,
I've got to go out a-lone;"
Fri-day felt ve-ry blue, He said it's wrong of you,
Could-n't you fix it for two?