
Blue Flame / Kék láng Lyrics

Flame of sighs
Where a thousand tiny eyes'' neversleeping dance dwells
Beltane taking her ancient self
Skysieging fires sign her returning beauty
Wolves shall stand along the eternal road
Forestshades appear from among the trees and take shape
Long forgotten
Stones get souls ''till the next passing
And spit sparks to the dry boughs
Hiding creatures open their mouths to words
Screaming the law forgotten and offer sacrifice
For the image glowing upon the sky
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Ködkín ösvény - Mistpain Path (2005)
Ködkín ösvény / Mistpain Path Blue Flame / Kék láng Witchvale / Boszorkányvölgy Crowcloud / Varjúfelhő Night / Éjszaka The Old Wiseman / Az öreg bölcs Wisdom in Me, Power in Thee / Bennem a tudás, benned a hatalom