La puerta del sol
eres magica y llena de esperanza
Tú sabes, yo tengo la llave.
Cuando se abre inician a caer lluvias de estrellas..
Estrellas dejando huellas de amor
Magia, magia, magia....
English translation:
The gate of the sun
You are magical and hopeful
And you know, I have the key.
When opened rains started falling stars ..
Stars leaving footprints of love
Magic, magic, magic ....
eres magica y llena de esperanza
Tú sabes, yo tengo la llave.
Cuando se abre inician a caer lluvias de estrellas..
Estrellas dejando huellas de amor
Magia, magia, magia....
English translation:
The gate of the sun
You are magical and hopeful
And you know, I have the key.
When opened rains started falling stars ..
Stars leaving footprints of love
Magic, magic, magic ....