
Like an Ivy (Poem) / Suffocation Lyrics

You're lurking lika an ivy for prey
For victims you want to betray
Eyes like roses to cover the thorns behind
The sweetness of your appearance
To cover the bitterness of your inside
With honey you attrack and trick
It's the paradox between nice and sick
But remember, a little flower can grow too
And can have thorns to show you!!


Just for you
I opened up
Is this true?
Or just another joke?

Reigns over me
Hart beats fast
Again another show?
And fals insights
Again I ask
Was I so blind?
What's the point of being here?
Misery is oh so near
Hapniness has fled away
I hope it will return one day
Yeah, that's life
Where I am trapped inside
Why can't I be me?
Why can't I be free?

In my feelings
In hypocrisy

Still I hope
That I can hope
In my hell
Once a happiness-well
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