
The Only Thing Lyrics

Late at night, trying to find sleep but I can't close my eyes. Feel a need
for change on the inside. I need something. It's a perfect road that leads
me straight to you. I know it, feel it in the waves of love unspoken in a
love I don't deserve.
The only thing that's good in me is you. (2X)

I could tell you of all of my mistakes but that is pointless. The point is
that they've been erased. I know that the only thing that's good in me is
you. I can hear you speak words in my heart. It's like breathing, a candle
in the dark. I know that this love I've found is true.
The only thing that's good in me is you. (2X)

I know I don't get it right most of the time, but please don't give up on
me, on me.
Chorus: The only thing that's good in me is you. (4X)
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Some Kind of Spark (2006)
Breathe You In Wake Me Up Collide The Only Thing Yesterday Hope Now Lost Fight Love You Back In the City Looking for You Forgiven