No matter who's sitting in the steat strings are attached.
Corporate interest have their hands hovering.
Individuals get f***** in the end.
While the puppeteers take what they need.
Draining life from our viens.
Our lives are up for sale.
How much are we worth?
Everything that was sacred has now been mass produced.
For our convenience.
Is this what we want?
Corporate intersts have their hands everything
While the puppeteers take what they need.
Corporate interest have their hands hovering.
Individuals get f***** in the end.
While the puppeteers take what they need.
Draining life from our viens.
Our lives are up for sale.
How much are we worth?
Everything that was sacred has now been mass produced.
For our convenience.
Is this what we want?
Corporate intersts have their hands everything
While the puppeteers take what they need.