
Thunderhead Lyrics

tidal wave
take them away from me
strike them down and we'll prey
to the gods
of the sky and the sea
death to man
the earth may live and breathe

take - them
free - yourselves
they will
not stop
take - them
do what you will
with my husk
i will it to you
just take them away
tidal wave
take them away from me
strike them down and we'll prey

to the gods
of the sky and the sea
death to man
the earth may live and breathe
rise and seal our fate
disintegrate us now
turn us into ghosts
turn us into dust
turn us into dust
turn us into ghosts
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And We Wept the Black Ocean Within (2008)
Adrift (The Albatross I) Vast and Endless Black Ocean Thunderhead Undertow (The Albatross II) Mass Leaden Tide Breach (The Albatross III) Descent Iron Heart