He has tried for so long, you can hear it in his faint voice And the weight of the years has grown with every broken dream He knows the meanings of the names he has been given By those who never sleep with empty stomachs or cold feet But is it so wrong to simply reach for a better life? Is it so wrong to dream of what one has never had? His fingers blister and bleed, when he sees them he fights to hold back tears The word home has lost all meaning because nowhere feels safe The "lkand of the free" has given only hunger and toil And the future that awaits promises only more of the same But isn't it wrong to beat a human being down so far? Isn't it wrong to kill the only hope that makes life bearable? Sitting in the lap of luxury as others languish in abject poverty The privileged cry thief and criminal while wringing their bread from the sweat of another's brow and praising every barrier constructed to keep the have-nots starving But as long as survival is on one side and hunger on the other, every fence, every wall, every border will be torn down Torn down