
19のままさ Lyrics

In the gloomy school corridor
I found that girl.
In the lobby of the library after school
I loved her piercing voice.
Summer ends--
at this time of year, already, two people
enter in worn-out sneakers
and I chased after my love.

Even now I will never forget--
if, resisting it, I close my eyes--
the way it was when I was nineteen...
But, already, we will never again
the glimmer of those days
pull back into our arms.

Until the examination day comes
I do a lot of different things.
When we are together, miserably
there is nothing but fighting without reason.
If it becomes spring
completely, smoothly, I will go to my home town.
I said farewell at the back of a movie
on Christmas Eve.

Even now I will never forget--
if, resisting it, I close my eyes--
the way it was when I was nineteen...
But, already, we will never again
the glimmer of those days
pull back into our arms.
Even now, that girl--
I wonder if she still has long hair.
Look, I'm wearing a tie--
I am not like myself.

Even now I will never forget--
if, resisting it, I close my eyes--
the way it was when I was nineteen...
But, already, we will never again
the glimmer of those days
pull back into our arms.
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J.BOY (1986)
A NEW STYLE WAR BIG BOY BLUES AMERICA 想い出のファイヤー・ストーム 悲しみの岸辺 勝利への道 晩夏の鐘 A RICH MAN'S GIRL LONELY - 愛という約束事 もうひとつの土曜日 19のままさ 遠くへ - 1973年・春・20才 路地裏の少年 八月の歌 こんな夜は I MISS YOU SWEET LITTLE DARLIN' J.BOY 滑走路 - 夕景