קוקו בלוף והיתושים Lyrics
- Tkufa Ra'a
- Za'am VeSina
- Mother
- Thilat HaMilkhama
- Acamol
- Bat-Sheva
- Fighters of Freedom
- BeShem HaEmuna
- More Then
- Shaul HaKhklai
- Shinkein - Lelo Motza
- Habayit Shel Fistuk
- Why?
- Skhuna
- Thilat HaMilkhama
- Acamol
- HaMagefa
- Fighters of Freedom
- Kiryat HaDamim
- Why
- Shovrim
- Oi
- Police
- Ars Not Dead
- Khinam Khova
- HaAbirim HaSkhorim
- HaBayit Shel Fistuk