
Страх Lyrics

V ten' vekov uhodit vera v luchshij mir
Chuzhie obrazy bogov Predpochitaem svoim!
Kto pered kem, v chem vinovat i chto nas zhdet vperedi!
Voprosy tysjachi lic Zhdut i ne nahodjat otvet
Shli ko dnu ostrova
I v ogne zemlja Drozhala v lapah straha!
Nastupala vojna
Zhivoj stenoj Ognja!
Na gorod sna Vojna!
Uhodil navsegda
Na zakate dnja On proklinaja nashi strasti!
V nebyvaluju dal'
Povelitel' zla Knjaz' t'my !
Hozjain snov!

V gorode krovi dvorcov i mogil
Kak belyj nishhij hranil on svoi mechty
On sporil o vechnom s penoj u rta
Zhdal ot sud'by vsegda, chto vernetsja nazad!

V dostojnyj mir najdet svjatye puti
Dve grani mira i vojny Svet razdeljaet mrak!
Uletaja v dal' Bol' ostavljaet strah
Na tysjachu let vpered, Chto by vernut'sja nazad

Shli ko dnu ostrova
I v ogne zemlja Drozhala v lapah straha!
Nastupala vojna
Zhivoj stenoj Ognja!
Na gorod sna Vojna!
Uhodil navsegda
Na zakate dnja On proklinaja nashi strasti!
V nebyvaluju dal'
Nash Angel zla Knjaz' t'my !
Hozjain snov!
In the shadow of centuries takes faith in a better world
We prefer other people's images of the gods up!
Who to anyone, to blame and what lies ahead!
Questions Waiting for thousands of people and can not find an answer

Sank to the bottom of the island
And the earth trembled in the fire in the clutches of fear!
came the war
A living wall of Fire!
Sleep on the city's war!
gone forever
At sunset, the day he cursed our passion!
In an unprecedented distance
Lord of the evil Prince of Darkness!
The master of dreams!
The city of palaces and tombs of blood
As a white beggar he kept his dreams
He argued about the eternal foaming at the mouth
Waiting for the fate of always, that will come back!

In a decent world find the holy way
Two faces of war and peace Light shares gloom!
Flying away into the distance leaving fear pain
A thousand years from now, what would come back

Sank to the bottom of the island
And the earth trembled in the fire in the clutches of fear!
came the war
A living wall of Fire!
Sleep on the city's war!
gone forever
At sunset, the day he cursed our passion!
In an unprecedented distance
Our angel of evil Prince of Darkness!
The master of dreams!
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