With Faith or Flames Letras
A Conquest Triumphant
Power of the Morning Star
Heir to the Viking Throne
The Vagrant Dead
The Conquest Triumphant
Hegelian Dialectic (Thesis & Antithesis)
Hegelian Dialectic (Synthesis)
The Abomination
Nemesis Enforcer
Beneath the Heel of Oppression
In the Beginning
The Wings Eclipse
Sylva, Nc
A Thin Line Between Profound and Profane
Battle Wounds, Part 1: The Brimstone Epitaph
One Hell of a Bridge Wreck
The Captain Trips, Baby
This Love Burns Black
Battle Wounds, Part 2: Hell Hath No Fury
Battle Wounds, Part 1: The Brimstone Epitaph
Battle Wounds, Part 2: Hell Hath No Fury
Heir to the Viking Throne
In the Beginning
Nemesis Enforcer
Power of the Morning Star
Sylva, Nc
The Abomination
The Captain Trips, Baby
The Conquest Triumphant
The Vagrant Dead
The Wings Eclipse
This Love Burns Black