The Sadies Letras
- Another Year Again
- Cut Corners
- Another Day Again
- Tell Her What I Said
- The Quiet One
- Postcards
- Whispering Circles
- Idle Tomorrows
- Choosing to Fly
- Violet and Jeffrey Lee
- 10 More Songs
- Northumberland West
- Translucent Sparrow
- 1000 Cities Falling (Part 1)
- The Curdled Journey
- Why Be So Curious? (Part 3)
- The Iceberg
- A Good Flying Day
- Only You and Your Eyes
- As Much as Such
- A Burning Snowman
- Coming Back
- Why Would Anybody Live Here?
- Lay Down Your Arms
- Oak Ridges
- The Story's Often Told
- A #1
- Within a Stone
- Mile Over Mecca
- A Steep Climb
- Such a Little Word
- Tiger Tiger
- Of Our Land
- Monkey & Cork
- Pass the Chutney
- Loved on Look
- Empty the Chamber
- The Last of the Good
- Flash
- The Creepy Butler
- One Million Songs
- 120 Miles per hour
- Mother of Earth
- Ridge Runner Rag
- Wasn't Born to Follow
- Ridge Runner Rell
- Before I Wake