
The Perfect Lover Lyrics

I listen to my lover sigh as she entwines me
I listen to my lover cry because she blinds me
I listen to my lover laugh as she defines me
With every breath I wait for her to find me
I guess the coldness implied by my calculated position in life must be disturbing to some people ...and maybe the lack of romantic pretense used to disguise or excuse my behavior is not normal, but it is honest ...more honest than most people can deal with, but still, it doesn't make me immune to romance ...I am human, and I do have my fantasies ...fantasies that I normally repress ...what good are they, after all ...but I can't deny them.
Usually, because I'm a man, I guess, these fantasies gravitate towards a female form and occasionally, I do allow them to run free ...dancing in slow motion through the flower fields of my imagination. I know it sounds silly, especially coming from someone with such a cunning and cutthroat attitude towards life, but sometimes I feel like nothing would make me happier than holding hands with a beautiful woman on the beach, watching the sun slowly descending into the pinks and purples of a perfect sunset.
Disgusting isn't it?
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