
Life Lyrics

Everything is hungry
Everything wants more
Everything will bleed you
Then beg for an encore
Everything is hungry
Everything wants more
Everything will beat you
And forget why you are sore
Everything is hungry
Everything wants more
Everything will eat you
If you don't eat it, of course

Everything repeats itself
Everything's been done
Life is just a struggle
Between nothing and no one

I'm not beyond criticism. There have been a few people, mainly my mom and few disgruntled cast-offs, who have attacked my so-called "values" They say I'm too selfish ...too apathetic ...too hedonistic and self indulgent ...it's bullshit. I mean ...I don't HAVE any values ...I just AM ...and I just DO ...and I DO WELL.
But still, I think about this criticism and how it always seems to come from those so much less successful than me. And I ask myself - where does my success some from? Why am I different ...and it's such a simple answer: DESIRE ...I want ...I need ...and so I take. I take from those who would take from me - I'm just a little better at it ...just a little better at it ...a little better ...better
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