The GTO's Letras

Permanent Damage
  1. The Eureka Springs Garbage Lady
  2. Miss Pamela and Miss Sparky Discuss Stuffed Bras and Some of Their Early Gym Class Experiences
  3. Who's Jim Sox?
  4. Kansas and the BTO's
  5. The Captain's Fat Theresa Shoes
  6. Wouldn't It Be Sad If There Were No Cones?
  7. Do Me in Once and I'll Be Sad, Do Me in Twice and I'll Know Better (Circular Circulation)
  8. The Moche Monster Review
  9. TV Lives
  10. Rodney
  11. I Have a Paintbrush in My Hand to Color a Triangle
  12. Miss Christine's First Conversation With the Plaster Casters of Chicago
  13. The Original GTO's
  14. The Ghost Chained to the Past, Present, and Future (Shock Treatment)
  15. Love on an Eleven Year Old Level
  16. Miss Pamela's First Conversation With the Plaster Casters of Chicago
  17. I'm in Love With the Ooo-Ooo Man