
Revenge of Bruticus Lyrics

Add your name to the list of revenge.Well get to you soon.Full power on the verge of a meltdown.Coming your way.Everyone against us from the start.For lack of faith you pay.We b*** the hands that feed.We take all that we need.No time were on our own.Behold the killing zone.Vengeance in the form of fighting machines.Were built to destroy.One mission!One vision!One goal!Transform you to oblivion.
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The Ultimate Doom (2004)
Introduction to Oblivion The Ultimate Doom Day of the Machines Revenge of Bruticus Divide and Conquer The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 The Insecticon Syndrome Five Faces of Darkness The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2 Grenade Face Hardest Burden to Bear Wardawn Outro to Extinction