Sass Jordan Letras

Hot Gossip
  1. Monday Morning
  2. So Long
  3. People Talk
  4. My Friend
  5. Waste of Time
  6. Cinnamon
  7. I Spy
  8. Miracle
  9. I Need Help
  10. Forever
  1. Desire
  2. Do What I Can
  3. I Do
  4. More to Life
  5. Present
  6. Everything's Better
  7. What's Wednesday Want
  8. Rainshowers
  9. Ha Ha Ha
  10. Someone I Could Love
  11. Peace
  1. Damaged
  2. Slave
  3. High Road Easy
  4. Sun's Gonna Rise
  5. Head
  6. Ugly
  7. I'm Not
  8. Honey
  9. Wish
  10. Breakin'
  11. Give
Tell Somebody
  1. Tell Somebody
  2. So Hard
  3. Stranger Than Paradise
  4. Double Trouble
  5. Breakaway
  6. Game of Another Kind
  7. Steel on Steel
  8. No More
  9. If It's Up to Me
  10. Hi Time Tonight