
Misplaced Paradise Lyrics

You never walk out
You're missing your step
You're jumped to being panicked
To find you have not
All of these feelings
You're getting to know so well
Down through the muckin'
The clapboard is wet (????)
Living a life
That you only regret

ooh! misplaced paradise
How do I know you so well

Distant relations
You try to forget
You just did in life
That meets time that you met (????)
Making strange faces
As they start to leave
Pulling the cape down
From under your esteem
I just can't be asked
To believe anymore
I don't even think
That I know me no more

ooh! misplaced paradise
How do I know you so well
ooh! misplaced paradise
Where do you had to
I just cannot find you
I must suport you
In a strange way I adore you
Way just in the feat
There are plans yes, yes you mean

And there's nothing that destroy's you
Then I just might come and join you

ooh! misplaced paradise

ooh misplaced paradise yeah

ooh! misplaced paradise
Where do you at to
I just cannot find you
Again, again
Again, again
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Grand Hotel (2006)
Ready to Go Roadstar Get This Out of the Blue Let's Get It Started Stone Magic Hat Misplaced Paradise All I Want Liar Stolen My Pride Keep It Alive
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