
Mouse Music Lyrics

- Are you a man or a mouse?
- I'm a man, but I love mouse music.
- What's that?
- Sweet sounds the children of the night make.
- How's that done?
- With the aid of the best technology available to...mankind.
- How's that done?
- Well, my dear, perhaps my a**istant can explain.
- Well honey, first you catch a mouse.
- With cheese?
Then you hold the mouse
And then you squeeze
Mouse, mouse, mouse
Mouse music

This ain't no s***house!
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Mouse Music (1999)
Mouse Music Kit (solução) Mamapapa Dash City Nagasaki M.A. Lolita Coisa Chata J. W. Bobbit Mnemónica diSKAsound Be Free Tubular [untitled]
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