
Party People Lyrics

I lost a will of my own when I was five
ever since then I'm not sure if I'm alive
I went to school but I didn't learn a thing
and I don't care what tomorrow will bring
Give me some drugs
cause I can still see reality
war crimes and f***** up economy
gimme some or I will start to think
Play me something
boring and repetitive
all music needs to be a sedative
I just wanna dance all night long

I've got no purpose I've got no goal
with special interest in nothing at all
I did my best to turn out like this
not aware of all the things that I miss

Whole world is a Disneyland
I'm more stupid than yesterday
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Black Box Recorder (2006)
W.M.D. Letters Two Feet Down Disagree Operation Certain Death Uncle Says Power in the Union American Soldier (Re)Loaded Gun Party People No Lesson Learned Constant State of War/Radio Radio